These new Bicycle – Supreme Line are a truly quality deck. They have Rider Backs and have been significantly improved – all with magicians in mind.
The 2 most important improvements:
A) They are printed on compressed material called Crushed stock. This means that they are slightly thinner than other cards, giving an even better experience to hold these cards in your hands.
B) They are cut with what is called Traditionally Cut. This is important as it makes them easier to handle than other decks, especially when doing faro shuffle or shuffling with one hand.
Another advantage of Bicycle – Supreme Line is that there is no seal, the box has a traditional Rider back. And you get 3 special cards: double back, blank face/regular back and a special edition 10 of hearts.
The cards are printed by USPCC – and are in poker size.
1 deck: DKK 40.00
10 decks or more: DKK 36.00 per deck