Incredible Block Penetration – Stage Size: This is an incredible visual effect where a solid cube penetrates two metal plates.
You first ask the audience to examine a large square wooden cylinder with three holes cut in the front and back. This way the audience can see that there is nothing hidden in the tube.
Then you show a large square cube (which is approximately 10.5 cm on each side). The cube is solid and you can tap all six sides with a magic wand to determine that it is solid. You also ask them to examine the 2 metal plates. Then, pass the metal planes through the two slots on the sides of the cylinder to divide it into three compartments. The metal plates stick out on both sides of the cylinder.
You push the cube down from the top of the cylinder. It rests on top of the top metal plate in the top third of the tube and can be clearly seen through the holes in the front and back.
The magician claims that he can make the cube penetrate the metal plate. He makes some magical movements up and down the sides of the tube, and the cube penetrates the top plate and lies in the middle of the cylinder. He removes the top plate and is handed back for examination. This is repeated, with the cube passing through the second plate to the bottom third of the tube. The second plate is removed and handed back for examination.
Finally, the tube is lifted off the base and the cube resting on the base appears as a solid cube and the tube appears empty.
The tube is 10.5 x 10.5 x 31 cm.
The effect is easy to create. You will receive all necessary props and a detailed explanation in English.