World Cup Game – Tora Magic: Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, and Tora Magic has produced a product that will miraculously impress football lovers and magic enthusiasts – and probably many others.
You display your drawing pad with a collection of famous football players in many countries. The pad is divided into three parts: 1. the head of the players, 2. the players’ clothes, 3. the players’ pants, legs and boots. The playing kit is a different color and design in each country. You show this by rifling through the book.
First, you say that you have chosen a player with a combination of the three parts in advance and put it in an envelope. And you ask a helper to look after the envelope. Then you ask three spectators to help you choose a player. They have to say stop while you rifle through the book. The first chooses the head, the second the player’s clothes and the last the player’s pants, legs and boots. The helpers can choose to stop anywhere in the book. When the spectators have chosen, you show which player was chosen. And you ask the helper to look in the envelope and see your prediction and take it out.
Everyone is extremely surprised as the composition in the book – and the prediction – match completely.
This effect is great for kids and family shows, street performances and more. Easy to use and requires no special preparation.
You get a book, envelope and card with a link to online instructions in English.