Privacy policy

By using you accept that Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment processes your personal data and cookies in accordance with the data and cookie policy below. Cookies are used to make work. Among other things, we use cookies to make it possible to add items to the basket, log in and to improve our website.

Click here to go to cookie policy

Privacy and personal data policy in short

This privacy and personal data policy is summarized to better inform you as a customer about what personal data Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment processes and how we process it – personal data is understood as all personally identifiable data.

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment respects all requests for confidentiality of personal information submitted online and is aware of the need for appropriate protection and proper handling of all personal information we receive.

If the personal data policy below cannot be accepted, Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment reserves the right to refuse orders and other inquiries, as a lack of acceptance may result in Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment not being able to service the relationship, as otherwise required by applicable law.

Personal data

Personal data covers all data that can be used to identify individuals, including but not limited to first, middle and last name, age, gender, position, home or other physical address, e-mail address or other contact information, regardless of whether it concerns the individual’s private residence or workplace.

Likewise, personal data also includes data such as behavior, purchase history, financial information, etc. all used in maintaining the customer and supplier relationship between customers and Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment.

What personal data do we collect and process?

You can access without providing us with your personal data. When accessing the website, an ID is issued for your session. This cannot identify you as a person.

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment needs a range of personal data in order to do business with you and your company, maintain customer relationship management and market products and services. Certain data is also collected and processed in accordance with legal requirements under the Money Laundering and Bookkeeping Act.

The following information may be collected and processed when you visit;
Email address, first and last name, address, phone number, age, gender, technical details (including IP addresses), behavior (including: URL visited, event triggers, actions such as clicks, open rates, login, time on each page, etc.), geographical data and data that may be necessary to complete a transaction.

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment collects and processes information about you when you:

  • Create an account
  • Making purchases
  • Sending queries, complaints and/or interacting with Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment in other ways
  • Sign up and/or interact with online marketing materials (including but not limited to newsletters, text messages and notifications, ads on third-party websites or similar)
  • Provides personal data otherwise to Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment
Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment collects only the personal data necessary to provide a service or product, market services and products or process inquiries.

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment does not collect and/or purchase personally identifiable information from third parties.

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment uses recognized card acquirers to handle online card transactions and does not store payment card information. Please note that when invoicing, billing and bank information is stored in accordance with applicable laws in the area, including the Money Laundering and Bookkeeping Act.

How do we use your information?

We may make use of the collected information in the following ways:

  • To personalize your email and website experience through personalized recommendations based on purchase history
  • To improve and marketing from Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment
  • To be able to serve you better when contacting customer service
  • To administer competitions, customer surveys, etc.
  • To process your orders as quickly as possible
  • To collect product and trustpilot reviews
  • To follow up on inquiries
  • For general marketing

How do we protect your information?

Our website is regularly scanned for security breaches and weaknesses so that we can rule out potential data leaks as quickly as possible and make our website as secure as possible. We also regularly scan for malware.

Your personal information is stored on secured networks and can only be accessed by a limited number of employees with rights to this type of information. They are also subject to our privacy policy, which safeguards your rights and ensures compliance with applicable legislation in this area.

In addition to the above, any sensitive and payment information is processed on encrypted servers that cannot be accessed from the outside. Credit card information is processed by card acquirers and cannot be accessed by either Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment or employees of card acquirers. These transactions are not stored on internal servers and are at no time processed by Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment itself.

Who do we disclose personal data to?

Personal data provided on or via telephone contact will only be disclosed to:

  • Internal departments / staff
  • Trusted third parties necessary for the fulfillment of delivery, payment and service agreements, including debt collection and judicial bodies
  • Business partners for the purpose of maintaining your account and/or marketing.

In order to provide the best possible experience on the Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment websites, we keep statistics on how users use the sites. The statistics are used exclusively in anonymized form, e.g. to see which pages and content users interact with.

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment may use Google Analytics to collect visitor statistics and in doing so will transmit IP addresses to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Privacy Policy is accepted by visiting and can be found here:

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment and all business partners and suppliers have a data processing agreement in place to safeguard the interests of users and customers at all times. These agreements can be presented on request at any time.

Where is your personal data stored?

Your data is stored on servers in the EU. Some personal data is managed by a third party (data processor) who stores and processes personal data on Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment‘s behalf in accordance with this data policy and applicable data protection legislation.

If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, you can follow the instructions at the bottom of each email. However, if you have problems unsubscribing, you can contact our customer service via the contact details below.

By unsubscribing from marketing from Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment, all commitments you have made to us will be deleted. These cannot be restored, and if at any time you wish to gain insight into what we have previously sent you, previous offers or similar, please note that these cannot be restored.

How long is your personal data stored?

In an active customer relationship, your data will be stored for as long as necessary for us to serve you. If the customer relationship is terminated, your data will be stored for up to two years, depending on the nature of the data.

You can request access or deletion of your data at any time. Due to other legislation (Accounting Act and Money Laundering Act), all transactional data, including contact and company information, is retained for five years.

Data leakage

We take security breaches and data leaks very seriously. If we suspect a data leak from Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment internal servers or from external partners, we take a number of initiatives to keep our customers and users as safe as possible.

This includes identifying the extent of the potential damage, notifying potentially affected customers and users, notifying the Danish Data Protection Agency, and actions to try to contain the extent of the damage.

If we suspect a data leak from Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment or its external partners, all parties involved, including the user, will be informed within 72 hours. If you suspect that your data has been leaked from Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment, please contact us at any time.

Access to information

You can always change your account information and areas of interest, including whether you want us to contact you with offers on goods or services or unsubscribe from newsletters.

You can find out what information we have registered about you. If you wish to receive a copy of this information, please contact us.

If you want all data deleted, please contact us.

Note! Once all data has been deleted, it cannot be restored. Data that is required to be retained by law legislation cannot be deleted on request.


We continuously review our data processing processes. This policy is updated once a year.

Contacting, changing and updating the privacy policy

Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment is committed to continuously complying with legal requirements for the protection of privacy.

If you have any questions or comments about our data policy or how we use your personal data, please contact our customer service.

If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletters at any time, you can follow the instructions at the bottom of each email. However, if you have problems unsubscribing, our customer service can be contacted via the contact details below.

By unsubscribing from marketing from Pjerrot Magic - en del af selskabet Boll Entertainment, all commitments you have made to us will be deleted. These cannot be restored, and if at any time you wish to gain insight into what we have previously sent you, previous offers or similar, please note that these cannot be restored.

Explore the enchanting gallery of Pjerrot Magic!

Lørdag havde vi en meget hyggelig udsalgsdag. Og et særdeles godt og spændende seminar ved Henning Nielsen, CheffMagic. Tak til jer, der kom og var med.
Magic Junior Day 5. november 2022 kl. 10.00-16.00 for børn og juniorer.
En hel dag fyldt med trylleri – undervisning ved dygtige tryllekunstnere – masser af sjov! Det er både for dig, der aldrig har tryllet før, men gerne vil lære det – og for dig, der har lidt eller meget erfaring med trylleri.
Det er kl. 10.00 og 16.00. Og der er igen denne gang 2 spor:
A) For dig, der er du begynder og mindst 8 år
B) For dig, der har tryllet før og er mellem 11 og 18 år

Forældre og bedsteforældre må gerne følges med deres børn eller børnebørn. Dagene er gratis for voksne, der følges med børnene. Hvis voksne ønsker mad, bedes man tilmelde sig.

Se program, praktiske oplysninger - og tilmeld dig i Pjerrot Magics web shop - Klik på Event - og Magic Junior Day.
Trylleshow med Matthew Wright fredag den 18. marts kl. 19. Billetter kan købes her:
Udsalgsdag og lecture lørdag den 19. marts fra kl. 10.30 på Hvidovrevej 137, Hvidovre. Se mere på
#pjerrotmagic #trylleshow #trylleshows #magic #magicshow #magicshop #tryllebutik
Pjerrot Magic holder udsalg lørdag den 19. marts i Hvidovre. Og i samarbejde med Cirkusmuseet trylleshow fredag den 18. marts - også i Hvidovre!

Underholdende trylleshow fredag den 18. marts med Matthew Wright
Fredag kl. 19.00 bliver der trylleshow med Matthew Wright i Fægtesalen på Cirkusmuseet, Alarmpladsen 6A, 2650 Hvidovre. (se mere om Matthew Wright nedenfor)
Det er et show for hele familien - som foregår på engelsk! Der bliver mulighed for køb af drikkevarer.
Køb af billetter bliver muligt indenfor kort tid hos Cirkusmuseet.

Program for Udsalget lørdag den 19. marts
Udsalget foregår hos Pjerrot Magic, Hvidovrevej 137, 2, 2650 Hvidovre.
Kl. 10.30 Udsalget åbner. Kom og se, hvad vi har fundet frem fra gemmerne - og gør en god handel. 
Kl. 12-13 Frokost: Der vil være mulighed for at købe frokost.
Kl. 13.30 Lecture v. Matthew Wright (se mere om Matthew Wright nedenfor). Det foregår på Esajasskolen, Kirkegade 14-16, Hvidovre (gå-afstand fra Pjerrot Magic kontor).
Kl. 15 Tak for i dag!
Af hensyn til frokost - vil det være en stor hjælp, hvis du giver besked, om du kommer.

Matthew Wright
kommer fra England, men bor i Malaga i Spanien. En stor del af året har han flere ugentlige trylleshows i Chamber of Secrets, hvor han optræder sammen med sin kone.
Han er comedy tryllekunstner - og er virkelig sjov! I hans shows optræder han tæt på publikum og inddrager dem ofte i showet. 
Matthew Wright har vundet flere flotte priser, bl.a. ved FISM, som er tryllekunstnernes verdensmesterskab. Han har også udviklet en del forskellige tryllenumre, hvoraf vi sælger nogle af dem her i netbutikken. 
#pjerrotmagic #trylleshow #trylleshowforbørn #trylleshows
Magic Junior Day 5. marts 2022 kl. 10.00-16.00 for børn og juniorer.
En hel dag fyldt med trylleri – undervisning ved dygtige tryllekunstnere – masser af sjov! Det er både for dig, der aldrig har tryllet før, men gerne vil lære det – og for dig, der har lidt eller meget erfaring med trylleri.
Magic Junior Day afholdes denne gang i Mosehuset (FDF), Mosevej 13, 2750 Ballerup
#magicjuniorday #pjerrotmagic #tryllekursus
Du kan blive tryllekunstner - Lær at trylle: Du har sikkert set en tryllekunstner optræde på en skærm eller ude i virkeligheden, og nu har du fået lyst til at lære et par tricks, så du kan imponere dine venner og din familie.

I dette hæfte kan du først læse om de 10 tryllebud. Og så er der 12 tricks, som du kan lave med ting, du allerede har: spillekort, lommeregner på telefonen, mønter, kuglepen, papir mm. Nogle er meget lette og andre er lidt sværere. Når du har øvet dig godt, kan du vise dem for din familie eller dine venner - enten i virkeligheden eller online.

Vi håber, du har fået lyst til mere trylleri. Du kan finde meget mere i vores webshop.

Tekst og fotos er lavet af Michael Frederiksen. Den flotte forside og -side af Henrik Groth.
Tilmeldingen til Magic Junior Camp er åben. Se flere informationer - og tilmeld dig på
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Så er det tid til næste version af Magic Hour - på onsdag 16/6 kl. 19.00. En time på Zoom med nyheder (med nogle eks. fra Complete Course in Magic), glemte skatte, idéer til rutiner mm. Desuden fortsætter vi snakken fra sidst om, hvad genåbningen betyder for os - og desuden kan du giv et input om, hvem der er din yndlingstryllekunstner - og hvorfor.
Meeting ID: 938 6344 4839
Passcode: 520675

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