Happy Santa Blendo Set: One of the most beautiful silk Santa scarves ever made. It can be used by magicians, clowns, Santas in their Christmas shows! You squeeze four scarves – red, white, green and black – together and then open your hands to reveal an eye-catching scarf with Santa on a green background! Size 90 x 90 cm.
Graphic designer Dena Wade, in collaboration with David Ginn, has designed this handsome Santa Claus – as we remember him from our childhood. You get a complete set with the Santa scarf (90 x 90 cm) and four scarves (30 x 30 cm) in red, white, green and black plus explanations for the routine.
You can also have a child put the four small scarves in a change bag or other magic device and then conjure up the large Santa scarf. A magical transformation.