Magic Bandz – Robin Bernard and Taiwan Ben:
“These are wonderful rubber bands that have so much potential”
– Joe Rindfleisch
Magic Bandz is a great idea from Robin Bernard and Taiwan Ben. Magic Bandz are the ideal tool to integrate mentalism into your rubber band routines.
Magic Bandz give you an unexpected and surprising effect without any effort. You have the option to involve one or more spectators and the magic happens directly in their hands.
Imagine that a rubber band can take the shape of the card your spectator is thinking of without touching it. This is now possible and very easy.
At the end of your rubber band routine, ask several spectators to hold a rubber band tight between their fingers. Have them secretly choose a card and every few moments the elastic takes the shape of their card.
Magic Bandz is a versatile tool that fits well into both some of your card routines and your mental routine as a surprise reveal. The audience will remember the surprise ending!
A set of 21 rubber bands and an online explanation in English.