The magician shows a large black wand with white ends. A piece of string goes through each end. On each end of the string are pom poms in different colors. The magician pulls the pom poms up or down on one side to show that the two pom poms are together on the same string that goes through the white end. Then he does the same with the pom poms on the other side.
But… This is where the fun begins! When the magician pulls up or down on one of the pom poms at one end of the wand, one of the pom poms on the other side will move upwards. This is repeated several times – to the increasing surprise and amusement of the audience as they try to understand how the pom poms are magically connected. You can pull any pom pom you want – and the confusion is total.
In the end, everyone will naturally think that the pom poms on each side are connected through the wand to the pom poms on the opposite side. But the magician eventually separates the wand into 2 parts – proving that there is absolutely no connection in this trick!
The trick is easy to do.
Is a real classic in children’s and family magic.
Can be used in many kinds of shows, but is a must in a children’s show.
The wand is 52 cm long and has a diameter of 3 cm. The pom poms have a diameter of approx. 8 cm.